Board meeting:  Tuesday, February 3, 6:30 pm

The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mosby Mountain Community Association will be held on Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 6:30 pm, at the home of Barbara and Alan Strain, 1635 Hubbard Court.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of November 5, 2008, board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements

5. Master calendar

6. Appointments

a. Architectural Review Board

b. Common Areas Committee

c. Neighborhood Watch Committee

d. New committee:  Community Relations

7. Common Areas Committee report

a. Projects 2009

b. Update on developer’s responsibilities

8. Architectural Review Board report

9. Neighborhood Watch program

10. Membership in the Property Owner Associations of Virginia, Inc.

11. Comments on items not on the agenda

12. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, March 3, 6:30 p.m.  Location to be determined

13. Adjournment

Board members:

Barbara Strain, President, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Kristin M. Beitz, Vice President, 1737 Mattox Court, 295-3598,

Jim Peterson, Secretary/Treasurer, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

Michael Hightower, Director, 1957 Ridgetop Drive, 963-4578,

Brian Roy, Director, 1647 Hubbard Court, 984-2567,

Todd Jenkins, Director, 1749 Mattox Court, 296-7761,

Matthew R. Althoff, Director, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

All dog owners–please be considerate

In response to concerns raised by neighbors reporting that some dog owners are not picking up after their dogs, the board has asked that this announcement be placed on our website.

Please be sure to clean up after your dogs.  Homeowners have proposed a couple of solutions.  One would be to install poop bag dispensers in the neighborhood for those owners who find themselves out walking their dog but who have forgotten to bring a bag with them.  This would require some maintenance of the dispensers and also the need to refill them on some regular basis.  Certainly there would be a cost involved.

Another recommendation—and this from an owner who noted that reminders have not worked in the past—was that individuals should be fined and perhaps that would instill some responsibility.  That solution might well require a mini-security force, and so it does not seem practical.

So, once again we respectfully request that dog owners be considerate of their neighbors and be sure to clean up after your pets.  That would then preclude the need to implement EXTREME MEASURES!

Special meeting of the board of directors scheduled for Sunday, August 17

A special meeting of the board of directors has been scheduled for Sunday, August 17, 2008, 3:00 pm, at the home of Preston Miller and Debra Mincarelli, 1390 Singleton Lane

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend the board meeting.  Please note that because this is a special meeting, only those items appearing on the following agenda may be addressed at the meeting.  No discussion may be held of any items not on this publicized agenda.  The scheduling of this special meeting was requested by five members of the board at the regular board meeting held on August 6, 2008.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Approval of August 6, 2008, board meeting minutes (see draft minutes below)

3. Outcomes of meetings held with the County, Beights Development, and Board of Supervisors member Sally Thomas

4. Recommendations for maintenance and landscaping projects and services and associated costs from the Common Areas Committee (CAC)

5. Implications of CAC recommendations for possible special assessment in September 2008

6. Preparation of the proposed 2009 budget

a. Incorporate revised landscaping maintenance costs and any landscaping projects proposed for 2009

b. Other budget considerations

c. Establish proposed regular assessment for 2009

7. Planning for the September 3, 2008, general membership meeting

8. Adjournment