Annual Meeting of the Membership, Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Mosby Mountain Community Association, Inc., will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 6:30 p.m. in the Covenant High School Auditorium, 175 Hickory Street, Charlottesville, VA.

Note:  Official notification of this meeting, along with the agenda and all referenced information, was mailed via USPS to the membership on Friday, November 18, 2011.


I. Call meeting to order

II. Roll call and declaration of quorum

III. Welcome and introductions

IV. Adoption of agenda

V. Approval of minutes from December 7, 2010, Annual Meeting of the membership (the minutes were mailed to the membership on November 18, 2011, and are also posted below)

VI. Year in review – board and committee reports

a. President’s remarks

b. Architectural Review Board

c. Common Areas Committee

d. Community Relations Committee

e. Neighborhood Watch Committee

VII. Financial Reports and 2012 budget

VIII. Election of Directors and Officers

Note:  Matthew Althoff, David Cain, and Hal Klee will continue on the board for the year 2012 as they complete the second year of their two-year board terms.

a. Report of the Nominating Committee

i.  Directors (two year terms):  Cynthia Murray, Preston Miller, Gretchen Montgomery, and Kelly Jackson

ii.  Officers (one year terms):  David Cain, president; Cynthia Murray, vice president; and Matthew Althoff, secretary/treasurer

b. Nominations from the floor

c. Elections

IX. Update on Whittington

X. Items from membership

XI. Adjourn

Board meeting, Tuesday, November 15

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 6:30 pm, at the home of Josh and Brooke Canova, 1396 Singleton Lane.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed and encouraged to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of October 18, 2011, board meeting minutes (se below)

4. Update on Whittington – Bob Hauser:  approval of sewer easement; grading of embankment of the Southwest corner of Singleton Lane and Old Lynchburg Road; possible joint participation of Mosby residents in the proposed Whittington pool and club house

5. Financial statements; approval of 2011 transfer to reserve fund for long-term capitol maintenance requirements

6. Neighborhood recreation area:  results of survey; decision on whether to bring the proposal to the membership for action

7. Committee appointments

8. Community Relations Committee report – Halloween Celebration 2011

9. Common Areas Committee report:  approval of 2012-2013 common areas maintenance contract; approval of rip-rap repair on common area off of Mattox Court

10. Report from the Nominating Committee for the slate of officers and directors for 2012:  President, vice president, secretary/treasurer, and four board members

11. Architectural Review Board report

12. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

13. Follow up on adoption of 2012 budget – common areas maintenance

14. Planning for the Annual Meeting (Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 6:30 p.m., The Covenant School auditorium)

15. Comments on items not on the agenda

16. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 6:30 p.m. (location to be announced)

17. Adjournment

Board members:

Jim Peterson, President, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

David Cain, Vice President, 1730 Mattox Court, 825-3283,

Matthew R. Althoff, Secretary/Treasurer, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Barbara Strain, Director, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Jeff Horsman, Director, 1718 Mattox Court, 971-8849,

Carol Price, Director, 1146 Turnstone Drive, 293-7907,

Hal Klee, Director, 1921 Ridgetop Drive, 434-202-0697,

Board meeting, Tuesday, October 18

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 pm, at the home of Beverly and Tom Glascock, 1347 Singleton Lane.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed and encouraged to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of September 20, 2011, board meeting minutes (see posting below)

4. Financial statements

5. Committee appointments

6. Common Areas Committee report

7. Architectural Review Board report

8. Community Relations Committee report

9. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

10. Neighborhood playground

11. Follow up on adoption of 2012 budget – common areas maintenance

12. Planning for the Annual Meeting (Tuesday, December 6, 2011)

13. Comments on items not on the agenda

14. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 6:30 p.m. (location to be announced)

15. Adjournment

Board members:

Jim Peterson, President, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

David Cain, Vice President, 1730 Mattox Court, 825-3283,

Matthew R. Althoff, Secretary/Treasurer, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Barbara Strain, Director, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Jeff Horsman, Director, 1718 Mattox Court, 971-8849,

Carol Price, Director, 1146 Turnstone Drive, 293-7907,

Hal Klee, Director, 1921 Ridgetop Drive, 434-202-0697,

Board meeting, Tuesday, September 20

The following information was sent on September 13 to all members by e-mail and hand-delivered to those households which do not have access to e-mail.  However, when we attempted to post this information to the web site, we discovered that the web site was down because the provider for the domain’s nameservers had ceased operations.  Thanks to Mosby resident and website designer, Jeff Gunther, the site has now been restored.  So, even though the board meeting has already been held, the agenda is being posted here for the record.

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 6:30 pm, at the home of Hal and Sammye Klee, 1921 Ridgetop Drive.

Please note that the budget planning for 2012 will be concluded with this meeting, and so if you have any input that would affect the budget–either up or down–please communicate your ideas by attending the board meeting, replying to this e-mail, or contacting any of the board members listed at the end of this e-mail.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed and encouraged to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of August 16, 2011, board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements

5. Committee appointments

6. Common Areas Committee report

7. Architectural Review Board report

8. Community Relations Committee report

9. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

10. Neighborhood playground

11. Adoption of Budget for 2012

a. Contracts for financial services, common areas maintenance, and trash and recycling pickup

b. New initiatives

c. Other

12. Comments on items not on the agenda

13. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 the home of Beverley and Tom Glascock, 1347 Singleton Lane

14. Adjournment

Board members:

Jim Peterson, President, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

David Cain, Vice President, 1730 Mattox Court, 825-3283,

Matthew R. Althoff, Secretary/Treasurer, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Barbara Strain, Director, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Jeff Horsman, Director, 1718 Mattox Court, 971-8849,

Carol Price, Director, 1146 Turnstone Drive, 293-7907,

Hal Klee, Director, 1921 Ridgetop Drive, 434-202-0697,

Board meeting, Tuesday, August 16

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, 6:30 pm, at the home of Jim and Marsha Peterson, 1969 Ridgetop Drive.

Please note that the budget planning for 2012 will start with this meeting, and so if you have any input that would affect the budget–either up or down–please communicate your ideas by attending the board meeting or contacting any of the board members listed below.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed and encouraged to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of June 21, 2011, board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements

5. Committee appointments

6. Common Areas Committee report

7. Architectural Review Board report

8. Community Relations Committee report

9. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

10. Neighborhood playground

11. Budget planning for 2012

a. Contracts for financial services, common areas maintenance, and trash and recycling pickup

b. New initiatives

c. Other

12. Comments on items not on the agenda

13. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 6:30 p.m. (location to be determined)

14. Adjournment

Board members:

Jim Peterson, President, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

David Cain, Vice President, 1730 Mattox Court, 825-3283,

Matthew R. Althoff, Secretary/Treasurer, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Barbara Strain, Director, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Jeff Horsman, Director, 1718 Mattox Court, 971-8849,

Carol Price, Director, 1146 Turnstone Drive, 293-7907,

Hal Klee, Director, 1921 Ridgetop Drive, 434-202-0697,