Board meeting Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 6:30 pm, at the home of Barbara and Alan Strain, 1635 Hubbard Court.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of September 1, 2009, board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements

5. Committee appointments

6. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

7. Community Relations Committee

8. Discussion of issues related to Mountain Valley

9. Comments on items not on the agenda

10. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, November 3, 6:30 p.m.  Location to be determined

11. Adjournment

Board members:

Barbara Strain, President, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Kristin M. Beitz, Vice President, 1737 Mattox Court, 295-3598,

Jim Peterson, Secretary/Treasurer, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

Michael Hightower, Director, 1957 Ridgetop Drive, 963-4578,

Brian Roy, Director, 1647 Hubbard Court, 984-2567,

Todd Jenkins, Director, 1749 Mattox Court, 296-7761,

Matthew R. Althoff, Director, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Board meeting Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 6:30 pm, at the home of Barbara and Alan Strain, 1635 Hubbard Court.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of August 18, 2009, special board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements

5. Committee appointments

6. Common Areas Committee report

7. Architectural Review Board report

8. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

9. Community Relations Committee

10.  Completion and adoption of 2010 budget

11.  Planning for 2010 board and officer elections

12. Comments on items not on the agenda

13. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, October 6, 6:30 p.m.  Location to be determined

14. Adjournment

Board members:

Barbara Strain, President, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Kristin M. Beitz, Vice President, 1737 Mattox Court, 295-3598,

Jim Peterson, Secretary/Treasurer, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

Michael Hightower, Director, 1957 Ridgetop Drive, 963-4578,

Brian Roy, Director, 1647 Hubbard Court, 984-2567,

Todd Jenkins, Director, 1749 Mattox Court, 296-7761,

Matthew R. Althoff, Director, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Special board meeting, Tuesday, August 18

A special meeting of the Mosby Mountain Community Association board of directors will be held on Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 6:30 pm., at home of Barbara and Alan Strain, 1635 Hubbard Court.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend.  Because this is a special meeting of the board of directors, only the topics identified on this publicized agenda may be considered.  No other topics can be considered at this special meeting.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Approval of August 4, 2009, board meeting minutes (see below)

3.  2010 budget work session

4. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, September 1, 6:30 p.m.  Location to be determined

5. Adjournment

Board members:

Barbara Strain, President, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Kristin M. Beitz, Vice President, 1737 Mattox Court, 295-3598,

Jim Peterson, Secretary/Treasurer, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

Michael Hightower, Director, 1957 Ridgetop Drive, 963-4578,

Brian Roy, Director, 1647 Hubbard Court, 984-2567,

Todd Jenkins, Director, 1749 Mattox Court, 296-7761,

Matthew R. Althoff, Director, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Board meeting Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The next regular meeting of the board of directors will be held on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 6:30 pm, at the home of Barbara and Alan Strain, 1635 Hubbard Court.

All members of the Mosby Mountain Community Association are welcomed to attend the board meeting and to share your ideas, suggestions and concerns.


1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption of agenda

3. Approval of May 5, 2009, board meeting minutes (see below)

4. Financial statements

5. Follow up to June 2 membership meeting (see minutes below)

6. Committee appointments

7. Common Areas Committee report

8. Architectural Review Board report

9. Neighborhood Watch Committee report

10. Community Relations Committee

11.  Preliminary planning for 2010 budget

12.  Planning for 2010 board and officer elections

13.  Issues related to dogs, Traffic

14. Comments on items not on the agenda

15. Next board meeting:  Tuesday, September 1, 6:30 p.m.  Location to be determined

16. Adjournment

Board members:

Barbara Strain, President, 1635 Hubbard Court, 296-5523,

Kristin M. Beitz, Vice President, 1737 Mattox Court, 295-3598,

Jim Peterson, Secretary/Treasurer, 1969 Ridgetop Drive, 971-9838,

Michael Hightower, Director, 1957 Ridgetop Drive, 963-4578,

Brian Roy, Director, 1647 Hubbard Court, 984-2567,

Todd Jenkins, Director, 1749 Mattox Court, 296-7761,

Matthew R. Althoff, Director, 1372 Singleton Lane, 963-9116,

Possible bird contagion alert

The following alert is from Karen Strider who lives at 2005 Ridgetop Drive.

The photos above are of a bird that had been hanging out on our front porch. I noticed it especially because it would stretch its neck up and appear to try to be seeing what looked like a larger area–odd behavior that I had not seen in other birds. From what I could tell it also seemed to have something wrong with its eyes. I finally grabbed my camera, snapped a few photos and uploaded them on my computer.

My first thought was that it had cataracts and I e-mailed the photo to the SPCA for some help in at least pointing me in the right direction.  They gave me the email of the Wildlife Center in Waynesboro so I contacted them.  I received an email back from one of their Vets saying her best guess without being able to examine the bird was something called “mycoplasma conjunctivitis.” It infects house finches (which is what this bird is) and is highly infectious. It can be spread especially through bird feeders and bird baths. She said that it can also infect other species of birds as well. I have not seen the bird in the last few days so it might have died from the infection if that is what it was.

Here is a link to a photo of a healthy house finch:

Below is the actual advice that I was given.

“Wthout seeing the bird directly, it is difficult to say definitively… But given the species of bird (house finch) and the visible ocular lesion, I would guess that it’s mycoplasma conjunctivitis.  It is an infectious disease which could spread to other song birds ­ particularly at bird feeders.  Typically it is progressive, meaning that it doesn’t get better on its own, and the patient slowly deteriorates.  We eventually get these patients when there are essentially blind and start to become so weak they are easy to catch.  Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for mycoplasma; it may improve, but tends to relapse particularly during times of stress (molting/breeding).  If it is mycoplasma, unfortunately the most humane option is euthanasia.  The other possibility is some sort of bilateral trauma (to both eyes).  It would be unusual, but certainly not unheard of.

It is possible for contamination to occur at a bird bath, particularly if it’s not cleaned regularly and a lot of birds use it.  My recommendation is to clean it thoroughly once weekly with dilute chlorox (1 part to 10 parts water).  Make sure to scrub away any organic matter first then scrub it with the chlorox mixture and let it set for 5-10 minutes.  rinse it thoroughly, then fill it regular water.  There isn’t anything safe that you could put in the water to prevent spreading.”

Elizabeth F. Daut, DVM

Veterinary Fellow

Wildlife Center of Virginia

Following are two additional references pertaining to this issue.