Mosby Mountain Website Launched

Welcome to the new Mosby Mountain Community Association website.  Association member Jeff Gunther acquired and registered the domain,, on behalf of our Association.  He then developed this website which was initially launched on March 23, 2008, and today on April 13, 2008, we announce the official launch.  Jeff’s day time job is the president of Intalgent, a software development firm writing governmental, commercial and health care software.  Our thanks to Jeff for his initiative and generosity.  His good works should lead to better and more timely communications within the Mosby Mountain community.  At this point the website is populated with the basics—Association documents and announcements.  As we move through the months ahead, expanded functionality with lots of bells and whistles will be added.  Let us know what you would like to see included in the website.

Bear Update

Mike Dye, district wildlife biologist with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, gave a feature presentation at the March 4 membership meeting of the Mosby Mountain Community Association noting that Albemarle County is prime bear habitat and as such is the “epicenter of conflict.” Among other suggestions as to how to best deal with bears in the neighborhood, he indicated that all bird feeders should be taken down no later than the 1st of April (and kept down until November).  Do not keep pet food or trash containers outdoors (and place trash cans out for pickup in the morning–not the night before), and clean bar-be-cue grills thoroughly after each use.  If you are growing tomatoes or have apple trees, be sure to pick up any fallen fruit or vegetables.